Archive for January, 2009

sometimes bad things aren’t so bad

As some of you might know I have been having computer problems and haven’t been on as much as I like or want to be.  But in a way it has been a good thing.  I cleaned up my clays today.  Which is something I have been meaning to do for a while.  I have this habit of not wrapping them when I have small pieces left. I would just put them in a divided container.  But now they are all wrapped and put in containers.  The ones that are really small I will use to make a chop cane.  I usually do small items so these have to be real small or odd colored for me not to save them for something else first.  I have them all in order by color.  I don’t know how long that will last but it is a start. 
I miss not being able to check out all the sites but hopefully soon I will be back up running smoothly.  Right now I am on dail up so that I can at least get on line. And I am using MSN and seem to be having problems all the time. But that is slow and as you know ties up the phone lines so I can only get in here at night usually.  And some nights I just can’t stay up.
I miss all my friends please be patience with me.  I will be back.
Our 2009 has been very snowy.  With a little freezing rain thrown in for good measure.  We are having a snow storm right now and have about 8″ on the ground with more to come.  We are cozy and have lots of food etc. so we will be fine, don’t know how much this one will bring.
Last week we were without elec. for a few hours. (8-9)  Just long enough for it to get really cold and have to sit around in candle light.  The candle light wasn’t bad, kind of romanic for this two old couple. hehe
I see there is a lot of talk going around about the new law that is going into effect Feb. 10th.  I don’t usually made and sell things for children so it is not going to hit me as hard as some.  But I am jumping on the band wagon and writting lots of letter to my state reps. and congressman.  Hopfully we can get some things done about this before it gets any worse.

If any of you know of any address that people can write to please email me and I will try to get them posted.  Thanks.

Ya’ll have a great day and don’t forget to stop by my other site.